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KRAN Manifesto - Media Represenatation

By Grmalem, Youth Ambassador

We, the refugees and asylum seekers (RAS) living in the United Kingdom, have faced unimaginable hardships and have embarked on perilous journeys in search of safety. We travel deep and hard to find suitable places and a chance for a better life. Despite our resilience and determination to rebuild our lives, we are sometimes met with misunderstanding, prejudice and negative narratives that undermine our humanity: often, this is the result of media representation.


  • negative media narratives - media often portrays RAS negatively, suggesting they are a burden or threat to society

  • human rights and dignity - hostile policies and rhetoric violate their basic human rights, fostering fear and exclusion.

Media misconceptions:

  • issues like homelessness and crimes are often highlighted negatively

  • discussions of RAS being sent to Rwanda or labelled as “illegal” emphasise a hostile environment.

Emotional impact on refugees/AS:

  • RAS feel hurt, dehumanised, and threatened

  • experiences include stress, rejection, and a sense of being unrecognised and animalised.

Recognising refugee contributions:

  • RAS bring valuable skills, experiences, and cultural richness to the UK

  • they contribute as professionals, students, artists, and entrepreneurs, enhancing the economy and community life.

Promoting integration and nclusion;

  • integration requires mutual effort from RAS and the host community

  • RAS are committed to learning, contributing, and participating fully in society

  • they seek understanding, support, and opportunities in education, employment, and social services.

Proposed solutions:

  • building solidarity and support networks - encourage collaboration between refugees, local communities, and stakeholders to foster a supportive environment

  • training and cultural sensitivity - train journalists and editors on cultural sensitivity and refugee complexities to promote respectful and unbiased reporting

  • collaborative journalism - partner with organisations and advocacy groups to improve insights and accurate reporting on RAS issues

  • public engagement - educate the public on RAS experiences through features, campaigns and social media, fostering informed dialogue and countering misinformation

  • balanced and accurate reporting - ensure RAS stories are fact-based, avoiding sensationalism and highlighting their human experiences and contributions

  • diverse voices - include RAS perspectives through interviews, personal stories, and expert opinions to provide authentic and informed narratives

  • positive narratives - highlight success stories and positive impacts of refugees on society, showcasing their roles in various community contributions.


By adopting these strategies, media representatives can play a crucial role in shaping a more accurate, compassionate and inclusive narrative about RAS, ultimately contributing to a more informed and empathetic society.

Together, we can make a difference.


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